Sunday, February 4, 2007

The birth of the Oplounge blogg

The gorgous girl in the photo is Olinda, the hottest
and the most spectacular woman on the planet,
well if you ask me.

This is Patrick writing this time, but we will take
turns, depending on what we feel or want to be
said or written.

There are so many things to say, since we are a
very controversial couple, capable of the most
beautiful things, but according to some also the
most horrible things. It's up to you to decide.

We definetely don't live the normal average life,
and we are living our dream.

We have managed to piss off, inspire and effect
millions of people and this is our version of the
only truth. This is the birth of the Oplounge blogg
more correctly, the Olinda and Patrick diary that
will give you a glimpse of the completely insane
minds of two blonds, or genious minds. It's up to
you to decide, so buckle up and join the ride.
It will be an adventure that you will never forget.

It begins now!


1 comment:

valentina said...

olinda har du dibates.du verkar ju helt slank:S

men annars så är du okey=)